Master of Urban Design

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Comments about Master of Urban Design - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Objectives
    The program aims to: * provide a Masters level education in urban design which meets the market in urban design practice both locally and internationally; * provide students with expert knowledge in urban design and related areas; and * serve an integrating role between the disciplines of the Faculty, building cross disciplinary strengths and teaching efficiencies.
  • Academic title
    Master of Urban Design
  • Course description
    Course Structure
    Students completing a Master of Urban Design must complete 150 points:

        * 112.5 points of core subjects which includes a 25 point research project; plus
        * 37.5 points of electives

    Master of Urban Design Core subjects

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    705-663  Urban Design Studio A
    This subject covers the following topics: the scope, opportunities, complexities and responsibilities of urban design; urban design issues and methodology; analytical and design skills for generating and testing alternative approaches to the urban de...     Semester 1     25

    702-621  Urban Design Theory (Masters)
    This subject explores contemporary theories and modes of critique relating to the design of the urban public realm. Emphasis is on how urban physical form responds to the economic, cultural, political, social, aesthetic and natural forces of an urban...     Semester 1     12.50

    705-665  Urban Design Studio C
    This is a studio-based subject leading to the development of a major urban design project. At the conclusion of this subject students will be able to demonstrate a mastery of urban design synthesis, applying a high level of theoretical knowledge, rig...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    705-669  Urban Design Studio B
    This subject covers the following topics: the scope, opportunities, complexities and responsibilities of urban design; urban design issues, elements and systems: analytical and design skills for generating and testing alternative approaches to the ur...     Semester 2     25

    Students are required to undertake a 25 credit point research project.

    Students commencing in semester 1 should take the follwong research subject (please note this is a year long subject which starts in Semester 1 and finishes in Semester 2 of the same year):

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    705-668  Masters Research Project
    This studio integrates cultural and environmental studies through advanced design investigations of issues by individual students or teams, including the dynamics of sustainability and time. Issues are selected by staff and students and explored thro...     Year Long     25

    Students commencing in Semester 2 should take the following (please note this is a year long subject which starts in Semester 2 and finishes in Semester 1 the following year):

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    705-661  Research Project E (Masters)
    Students will plan and carry out an independent research project on a topic of relevance to their degree course. The project will involve a critical review of the relevant literature, setting the objectives of the study, selecting an appropriate theo...     Semester 1, Semester 2     25

    Plus three approved electives (37.5 points).

    Recommended Electives
    A selection of suitable subjects are listed below. Some electives may only be offered in alternate years.Students are recommended to consult with a course advisor

    Subject     Semester     Credit Points
    705-835  Advanced Urban Planning & Design (PG)     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    705-666  Research Methods (Masters)
    This subject is primarily designed to support students who plan to undertake one of the Research Project subjects offered in the Faculty. The emphasis is on helping these students define a research topic, survey the relevant literature, use results o...     Semester 2     12.50

    705-658  Planning Theory & Governance (Masters)
    Theories of planning, values, power and urban governance are addressed. Different ways in which policies shape the city are explored. Urban governance encompasses the provision of infrastructure for the city and the delivery of services: the roads, t...     Semester 1     12.50

    705-836  Landscape Assessment and Planning (PG)     
    This subject will not be available in 2009     12.50

    705-615  Theory and Practice of Urbanity
    This research-led subject introduces the concept of urbanity, its history and key theoretical foundations, ideas and controversies associated with the term and its use. It focuses on the concept of urbanity in culturally diverse contexts, invites cri...     Semester 2     12.50

    705-641  Participation and Negotiation
    This subject was formerly known as Managing Change. All practitioners in the built environment need at some point to be aware of the strategies and techniques that can be employed to elicit constructive involvement from the public, and to negotiate c...     Summer     12.50

    705-616  Regenerating Activity Centres
    This subject will assist built environment professionals involved in development proposals for activity centres - planners, architects, landscape architects, engineers, construction managers and financiers - to ensure that development proposals will ...     Semester 2     12.50

    705-815  Contemp'ry Theory & Aust Landscape (PG)
    This subject is based on a review of recent theoretical developments in the areas of landscape architecture, landscape perceptions and landscape theory, and their application to the Australian landscape and contemporary landscape architectural practi...     Semester 1     12.50

    705-637  Healthy Communities
    In recent years, there has been a greatly increased interest in the impacts of the built environment on health and wellbeing. At present, spatial inequalities in regards to access to jobs, affordable housing, social services, and healthy food results...     Semester 2     12.50

    705-640  Design Assessment Skills
    This subject will be offered again in 2009. The semester is structured into 3 key phases of understanding how to successfully assess design: Weeks 1-4: [Design] Skills: understanding basic principles of design, the appropriate language and developing...     Semester 1     12.50

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