Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Management

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Comments about Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Management - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Course description
    The Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Management aims to prepare graduates to work in a diversity of arts industry environments, ranging from large organisations and government departments to self-employment in the arts, by developing in postgraduate students an understanding and appreciation of the arts, and the range of skills necessary to manage cultural resources, both human and material.

    Students who complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Arts Management should:

    • understand and appreciate the place of the arts within our culture;
    • understand and access arts policy and funding in Australia;
    • communicate and negotiate effectively and efficiently with a range of people and organisations, including arts organisations, artists, government administrators, funding bodies, professional organisations and unions;
    • understand State and Federal legislation and aspects of common law in so far as they impact upon the arts industry;
    • demonstrate an understanding of basic managerial skills and leadership strategy, including the ability to plan, coordinate, make decisions, solve problems, and manage human and physical resources;
    • demonstrate an understanding of financial management and business marketing in a variety of arts industry contexts;
    • be able to function as creative and accountable arts industry workers, who demonstrate a sense of commitment and responsibility to artists and the advancement and preservation of culture within the broader community.

    Students complete 100 points of subjects composed of seven core subjects and one elective subject.

Other programs related to event and exhibition management

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