Course description
* Thesis of 10,000 words (25 points)
* six elective subjects (75 points)
Total 100 points - subjects are 12.5 points each, unless indicated otherwise.
Thesis subject
Subject Semester Credit Points
161-504 Philosophy Thesis
A supervised thesis on a topic to be approved by the Head of School or the School's honours coordinator. Students will be required to attend weekly seminars and present a class paper based on their thesis topic. Semester 1, Semester 2 25
Elective subjects
Subject Semester Credit Points
161-433 Value Theory
This subject will involve an advanced study of problems and issues in contemporary value theory, normally concentrating on issues in ethics and metaethics. In some years, the course may instead focus on issues in contemporary aesthetics. On completio... Semester 2 12.50
161-434 Metaphysics and Epistemology
This unit covers selected issues in contemporary epistemology and metaphysics. We will focus on a particular philosophical issue (for example, a topic in fundamental ontology, or in the philosophy of knowledge, in theories of meaning, or in philosoph... Semester 1 12.50
161-435 Topics in Continental Philosophy
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
161-436 Philosophy of Language and Mind
This subject examines contemporary developments in philosophy of mind and language in the analytic tradition. Topics addressed may include: (1) mental representation, (2) the nature of linguistic communication, (3) sense vs. reference, (4) the nature... Semester 2 12.50
161-431 Recent European Philosophy
This subject involves a study of one or more key texts and themes in 20th century European philosophy. Students completing the subject should have achieved a critical understanding of the texts and themes discussed and be able to relate them to conte... Semester 1 12.50
161-432 Topics in Moral Psychology
The subject examines recent philosophical developments in the study of the psychology of moral agents. Topics to be covered may include: (1) the nature of rationality; (2) the nature of autonomy; (3) recent feminist contributions to moral psychology;... Semester 2 12.50
161-438 Logic and Philosophy
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
161-439 Rationality
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
161-443 Political Philosophy
The subject will examine topics in political philosophy. These may change from year-to-year, but might include issues concerning the state, war, social justice etc. Semester 2 12.50
161-445 Topics in Philosophy
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50
161-447 Topics in Advanced Logic
This subject involves advanced topics in formal logic, the particular topic in any year to be chosen by the coordinators after consultation with the candidate/s. On completion of the subject, students should have gained an understanding of the philos... Semester 2 12.50
136-536 Scientific Realism and Anti-Realism
This subject examines the contemporary debate between realism and anti-realism in the philosophy of science. The scientific realist argues that science is to be understood as the attempt to discover the truth about the objective world. Anti-realists ... Semester 2 12.50
161-437 Topics in Applied Ethics
This subject will not be available in 2009 12.50