Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Television (Producing)

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Comments about Postgraduate Diploma in Film and Television (Producing) - On Campus - Melbourne - Victoria

  • Objectives
    On completion of this course students should have: * extended their creative abilities and business skills; * developed a sound understanding of the structure of the Australian Film, Television and allied industries, and * demonstrated the capacity to produce a short creative project.
  • Course description
    A one year Postgraduate Diploma in Producing for Film and Television, focusing on both the creative and business side of being a successful producer.

    The Postgraduate Diploma of Film and Television (Producing) is undertaken over one year full time. In addition to producing work on student films the course encompasses areas of study such as the creative and business processes of producing, screenwriting and industry experience.

    Subjects by Year
    Year 1
        * 759-812 - Producing and the Creative Process
        * 759-813 - The Business of Producing
        * 759-814 - Production Projects
        * 759-815 - Screenwriting

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