Postgraduate Diploma in Science

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Comments about Postgraduate Diploma in Science - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria

  • Course description
    The Postgraduate Diploma in Science is a fourth-year equivalent program, and students who successfully complete this course are eligible to apply for Master of Science or PhD candidature. The program is designed to enable the acquisition of research skills (for example, laboratory techniques and data collection and analysis); engage students in research under supervision; increase the student's knowledge and understanding of the relevant discipline, and an awareness of current developments and issues relating to the discipline; develop independent and critical thinking; and improve oral and written communication skills.

    Note: Students should also investigate the Bachelor of Science (Honours) (listed in undergraduate programs) which is an alternative fourth-year program with different objectives and entry requirements.


    Some departments permit part time enrolment. Most programs commence in semester one although some departments also offer a semester two commencement.

    Students are required to complete 100 points, which comprises two components:
    - a coursework component;
    - a minor thesis research project component (normally 10 000 - 12 000 words).

    The weight of each component varies between departments.

    Major areas of study

    Anatomy and cell biology; botany; chemistry; computer science; oral biology (dental science); earth sciences; genetics; geography and environmental studies; history and philosophy of science; mathematics and statistics; medicine; microbiology and immunology; obstetrics and gynaecology; otolaryngology; pathology; pharmacology; physics; physiology; public health and community medicine; vision science; zoology.

Other programs related to sciences - others

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