Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Art

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Comments about Postgraduate Diploma in Visual Art - On Campus - Melbourne - Victoria

  • Course description
    A one year full time Postgraduate Diploma that enables students to further their practical and theoretical knowledge of Visual Art.

    This professional development program serves as a bridge between undergraduate study and independent art practice, as a “refresher” program for artists who have been away from formal study or as an entry point for mature artists who lack formal qualifications but have significant professional experience. It can also serve as an alternate route to study for a higher degree (for those of recognised ability but who have been unable, for whatever reason, to complete an honours year).


    Students enrol in four subjects totalling 100 points:
    Studio Practice 1A and 1B - 75 points
    Theories of Art and Culture 1A and 1B - 25 points

    • 755-826 - Theories of Art and Culture IA
    • 755-827 - Studio Practice 1A
    • 755-828 - Theories of Art and Culture 1B
    • 755-829 - Studio Practice 1B

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