Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery - Distance

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Comments about Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery - Online

  • Objectives
    The Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery combines theory and practice in a hands-on one-year distance education course aimed at allowing registered nurses in all midwifery settings (both rural and urban) to remain in their environment, while achieving their midwifery qualification.
  • Academic title
    Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery
  • Course description
    About the course

    Charles Sturt University has many years of experience in educating student midwives to the level that is required for registration as midwives with the Nurses and Midwives Board of NSW (NMB NSW).

    The midwifery course at Charles Sturt University commenced in 1990 after concern was raised by local Directors of Nursing about decreasing numbers of midwives in rural NSW. The course has grown to a six-subject Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery, with over 50 hospitals approved to have midwifery students in ACT, NSW, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria.

    The CSU Postgraduate Diploma model is unique. It has been designed to allow registered nurses to work in a maternity unit for 12 months of clinical midwifery practice while studying the theoretical component through distance education. Upon successful completion of the two components (clinical practice and academic study), students are eligible to apply for registration as a midwife with the Nurses and Midwives Board of NSW (NMB NSW). Students studying interstate then apply for reciprocal registration in that state.

    The distance education mode is utilised, as it provides opportunities for rural and urban students to remain in their environment and achieve a midwifery qualification. The program is also increasingly utilised by urban students in city hospitals.

    Potential students must negotiate a position in a maternity unit of their choice. This unit is required to be accredited by Charles Sturt University as a partnership hospital for the purposes of midwifery education.

    Registered midwives who wish to gain a Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery can also enter this program and will not need to complete any practical component or to attend residential schools.


    Students who have previously completed the Graduate Certificate in Midwifery at Charles Sturt University will receive an initial credit package of 32 points (four subjects), with further credit being available for depth of clinical experience as a midwife.


    Information on scholarships is available from the following sources:

        * Nurses and Midwives Board of NSW (NMB NSW)
        * NSW Nurses Association
        * NSW Midwives Association
        * Royal College of Nursing Australia
        * NSW Health Department
        * Australian College of Midwives Inc.

    Residential school

    Students, who are not registered midwives are required to attend two compulsory residential schools at Charles Sturt University's Wagga Wagga Campus.

    The first is held before the start of clinical practice and is of six days' duration. This school aims to:

        * introduce the student to the University and teaching staff
        * introduce the student to the use of study materials
        * provide lectures, demonstrations and workshops on selected areas of midwifery practice

    The second residential school is held at the commencement of the second session. It provides formal lectures and opportunities for students to explore areas of midwifery practice in depth.

    Registered midwives will not need to attend any residential schools or complete any practical component.

    Graduation requirements

    To graduate, students must satisfactorily complete 64 points comprising the 16 point credit package, six compulsory subjects and completion of a concurrent 12 month clinical component undertaken during enrolment in the course.

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