Comments about Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability) - On Campus - Parkville - Victoria
Graduates of the Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability) will:
- develop an advanced understanding of the psychology of offending behaviour and the criminal justice system;
- develop their knowledge of the appropriate professional skills to be utilised with different types of offenders and in diverse forensic contexts;
- emerge with an advanced understanding of relevant cultural, legal, policy and political issues;
- have confidence in their capacity to undertake PhD and other advanced research.
Academic title
Specialist Certificate in Criminology (Forensic Disability)
Course description
This course will incorporate two existing 12.5 point Masters level subjects approved as part of the Master of Criminology (Forensic Psychology) from the School of Political Science , Criminology and Sociology.
The course is based on a points structure with students required to accumulate 25 points in order to receive the award. The subject for the Specialist Certificate is offered at Masters level. Students will complete:
§ 360878 Introduction to Forensic Disability (12.5 point subject)
§ 360879 Advanced Practice in Forensic Disability (12.5 point subject)